Our Hearts Are with Orlando

June 13, 2016

As a University community, we share in mourning the loss of so many innocent lives in the mass murder that took place in Orlando over the weekend.  We express our profound sorrow for the victims and their families, and we also pray for the dozens of individuals who were injured in this despicable act. 

Rutgers grieves for all the victims and stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ community in Orlando and around the world.  The fact that this crime targeted a vulnerable community only underscores the hatefulness of this horrific act.

In a weekend filled with violence and death, we draw some comfort in seeing the international display of support and sympathy, including long lines of people volunteering to give blood.  Our hearts and minds are with the people of Orlando.

Please know that the counseling centers at all our locations are available to you in coping with this tragedy.

Robert Barchi